The give and take among the justices in the social media cases took until the very last day of the term. A few weeks before ...
The bills, known as the Kid's Online Safety Act and the Children and Teens Online Privacy Protection Act, passed 91-3 with ...
NetChoice, the tech industry group that brought both of the challenges that ended up before SCOTUS and also challenged the ...
Two tech industry groups, the Computer and Communications Industry Association and NetChoice, filed a lawsuit on Tuesday to ...
Still, major social media companies are expected to push back. NetChoice, an advocacy group that includes many major tech ...
The Senate overwhelmingly passed the Kids Online Safety Act on Tuesday, but the legislation faces an uphill battle in the ...
Bill marks first effort by Congress in decades to hold tech companies more accountable for content that endangers children ...
The “Walker Montgomery Protecting Children Online Act” should have been in effect for nearly a month but is stuck in a legal ...
Two big tech trade groups sued Texas and its attorney general to block provisions of a looming state law requiring social ...
The Kids Online Safety Act and the Children and Teens’ Online Privacy Protection Act make up the most significant ...
The Senate passed the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) and the Children and Teens’ Online Privacy Protection Act (also known as ...
Opponents say they will challenge on constitutional grounds bills intended to protect kids online that are set for a Senate ...