The United States Fish and Wildlife Service began trapping southeast of Henry's Lake following the livestock conflicts.
The MNTip app allows the user to quickly report specific details and even images of poaching incidents afield.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service wants us to buy into the narrative of the ... The shooting will be conducted in forest ...
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has announced a decision to adopt a final barred owl management strategy to protect ...
Unlike endangered wolves, which the federal government also exterminated in the west for the livestock industry, the U.S.
Tereza Jezkova, associate professor of Biology, received $122,108 from the United States Fish and Wildlife Service of a new award for a project entitled "Using Conservation Genomics to Determine the ...
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service this week announced more than $17 million in funding through the Delaware Watershed ...
Senator Rob Stafsholt released the following statement after the Joint Legislative Audit Committee directed the non-partisan Legislative Audit Bureau to conduct the comprehensive audit of the Departme ...
It has been eight months since Colorado reintroduced gray wolves into the state, the beginning of a multiyear effort to ...
The $2.5 million from the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley Restoration Fund, with the $2.9 million in matching contributions ...
The judge’s ruling came out at the same time the Idaho Department of Fish and Game was finishing its big game rule booklet, ...
It has been eight months since Colorado reintroduced gray wolves into the state, the beginning of a multiyear effort to ...