Global ratings agency Moody's upgraded Greece's rating to "Baa3" from "Ba1" on Friday, citing quicker-than-expected ...
During a decade of economic crisis between 2008 and 2018, public debt and deficit exploded leading to soaring interest rates ...
The reduction in Greece's debt costs raises optimism that Moody's will soon follow S&P and Fitch with an upgrade of the ...
Ratings agency Moody's upgraded Greece's credit rating, pulling the country out of junk territory after its years of ...
ATHENS (Reuters) - DBRS Morningstar upgraded Greece's credit rating to 'BBB' from 'BBB low' citing a healthier banking sector and the continued reduction in the country's general government debt ...
Invest in Greece's growth with GREK ETF. Diversification, political stability, and economic maturity make it a BUY despite ...
Greece will spend more than 25 billion euros in arms procurements by 2036, including new submarines, drones, satellites and ...