Original Story (6:30 AM): Heavy and consistent rainfall has led to several Landslides and Rock Falls around the region.
The Drive Texas TxDOT Highway Conditions map showed road closures and slow traffic along several roadways across the South Plains Friday. Low visibility due to blowing dust was reported along ...
The following roadways are reported to be closed due to fallen trees and power lines: U.S. 82, U.S. 86, Alabama 159, and ...
Several roads across Los Angeles will be closed for the 40th LA Marathon, impacting traffic for many residents.
Here’s your daily look at traffic on major highways in the Kansas City area. This article is being continuously updated.
Several roads in Leeds city centre are due to be closed on Sunday for a St Patrick's Day parade, drivers have been warned.
Here are the latest developments to know during this latest winter storm, which is impacting the Phoenix metro area and other ...
"I think, in general, it's bad for the people who live here because it will cause obviously more delays," resident Payton Nelson said.
Main course closures: These streets will be closed at various times during the day. Runners will follow some of them for the ...
Colorado State Patrol warned of “zero visibility due to high winds and blowing dirt” across the southeastern plains.
The Upton County Sheriff’s Office has issued a travel alert amid multiple road closures cause by high winds and dangerous ...
Caltrans is scheduled to close the following freeway ramps and turn lanes of US Route 101, State Route 110 and Interstate 405 ...