And one with a peculiarly Alabama cast. It’s important to remember that as our state leaders do all they can to obscure the past. I’m opening up “The Last Slave Ship” by Ben Raines ...
Despite claims from progressive historians that US slavery was a natural outgrowth of a free market economy, the reality is ...
Slaves command a higher price in Kentucky, taking gold as the standard of value, than in any other of the Southern States. In Missouri they are sold at from forty dollars to four hundred ...
The Clotilda transported 110 Africans from what is now Benin to Mobile, Alabama in 1860, over 50 years after the United States outlawed the international slave trade. SC church to unveil Harriet ...
For we ourselves were once foolish, disobedient, deluded, slaves to various desires and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful ourselves and hating one another. But when the kindness and ...
The Mobile Mercury, of the 24th, publishes a sensation article, attempting to show that incendiaries are at work in Georgia, Alabama ... for tampering with slaves, and committed to jail.
Slavery and racism casts a long shadow over the history of criminal justice in the US, and in particular the South, from the origins of many modern police departments in slave patrols, to the ...
10 million more people were in modern slavery in 2021 compared to 2016 global estimates, bringing the total to 50 million worldwide. Women and children remain disproportionately vulnerable.
One of the few early blackface performers who had actually witnessed slavery in the deep South ... New York, in 1842, playing in a tavern frequented by boatmen on the Great Lakes and the Erie ...
Slavery has been among the most ubiquitous of all human institutions, across time and place, from earliest history until, some would argue, the present day. This new four-volume History is the first ...
Alabama chooses to preserve the last slave ship where it sank, citing structural decay Saving what’s left of the ship should be the priority. The Clotilda could provide insights to historians ...