Don't really interact anymore the third year. But there is always one, That is special to me, who made a difference in my life. I look up to you, respect you and I truly trust in you. Soul mates ...
Sometimes it's hard to put loss into words, but poems about losing a loved one can help you comfort a friend, family member, or acquaintance that has just lost someone close. Poems can also ...
For this week's prompt, write a friend poem. Your friend poem could be about a friend, dedicated to a friend, explore friendship in general terms, discuss how hard (or easy) it is to make friends ...
Choose four lines from the poem. Practise saying them out loud along with the actions. Now try without looking at the text. Can you perform your four lines for a friend or family member?
It’s a miracle that a poem written by a Native American woman from Oklahoma moves the heart of a Jewish man in Haines, Alaska. The meal with friends was a gift too, and no, we didn’t really ...