The commandments regarding Amalek are, undoubtedly, among the most challenging in the Torah. This statement is true on many levels, first and foremost in the difficulty it reflects in ...
We recall the Amalekites who preyed upon the Israelites during their Exodus, targeting the vulnerable and demonstrating a profound lack of fear for the Divine. Similarly, Haman, a descendant of ...
In case of abuse, This coming Shabbat is known as Shabbat Zachor, the Shabbat of Remembrance, because we read the portion in the Torah that commands us to remember the attack of the Amalekites ...
Each year, on the Shabbat preceding Purim, we are obligated to hear a portion of the Torah in which the treacherous, unprovoked attack of Amalek on the nascent nation of Israel is recalled ...
There is one specific biblical word that feels more relevant now than it has in generations: Amalek. We are commanded to wage an eternal battle against Amalek, the nation that first assaulted us ...