Flags all around Iowa will be lowered to half-staff Friday to remember a former Iowa Senate president who died this week.
In honor of the late Sen. Geraldine Thompson, Gov. DeSantis has ordered flags to be flown at half-staff at the Capitol and in Orange County.
The Idaho Senate has passed a bill limiting what flags can be flown on public school property. On Wednesday, the Senate voted ...
Senate Democratic Whip Dick Durbin (Ill.) called President Trump “out of his mind” after he pledged that the United States ...
A bill that would ban pride flags in all of Utah's public schools and government buildings now awaits the governor's approval ...
It was authored and filed in February by state Sen. Bryan Hughes (R-Mineola). An identical bill, HB 162, was authored and ...
The Utah Senate Education Committee gave lawmakers the chance to ban political flags in school for the second year in a row.
A "hotly debated" plan to keep political flags, including Pride Flags from being prominently displayed on "government ...
BOISE — The Idaho Senate has passed a bill limiting what flags can be flown on public school property. On Wednesday, the Senate voted 29-6 in favor of House Bill 41, which prohibits flags that ...