Then they followed the trade route Via Maris along the Mediterranean coast into Egypt passing through the land of Goshen in the Nile delta, the area where Jesus' ancestors lived for several hundred ...
The beloved Rosh Yeshiva of Merkaz HaRav, known as the "father of the settlements" gave a clear message to his fighter ...
The forebears of the three great monotheistic religions are all said to have sought refuge in this triangular desert. According to the Bible, Moses received his assignment in Sinai when God spoke ...
According to religious lore, before Moses departed Mount Sinai with his people ... and so decreed that he would lead them ...
They go to this town and then go off into the desert using the Bible ... the Bible says should be at Mount Sinai. This includes a scorched peak, a cave where Moses would have slept, a brook ...
They had spent July in the Sinai Desert; had found ... Hungry, they had grumbled at Moses, Aaron and Jehovah. Moses and Aaron conferred and announced to the Children that the Lord had promised ...
In the unforgiving desert light of day ... was called Mount Sinai. According to the Torah, when Moses was summoned there to ...
"Moses" is an Egyptian name ... Dever: In the 1970s, Israeli archeologists digging in Kuntillet Ajrud in the Sinai found a little desert fort of the same period, and lo and behold, we have ...
Moshe’s retrospective history of the children of Israel’s trek through desert ... Moses carved two tablets of stone, like the first, and early in the morning he went up on Mount Sinai ...
At Mount Sinai, God gave Moses a set of ten laws that they should follow in order to please him. Moses carved these laws on tablets of stone. God told Moses that if these rules were not followed ...
Themes: Rules; rights and responsibilities; consequences of actions; Moses. The Bible story of Moses and the 10 Commandments is retold - with a twist. Moses and the Jewish people are on their ...