The previous sale price record in San Francisco was $43.5 million ... the Los Angeles Times reported. Since Steve Jobs died ...
Ive isn’t the only person to whom Jobs gave that advice. Apple’s current CEO, Tim Cook, tells the story that on the day before Jobs died, he gave Cook the same advice. “Don’t ask what I would do,” ...
During the iPhone launch, this overlooked moment reveals one of Jobs’ most important leadership qualities.
Steve Young made a big name for himself in pro football, but on his old block in Palo Alto, his tech-founder neighbors were the talk of the town.
When Steve Jobs showed up at the San Francisco airport at the age of 19, his parents didn't recognize him. Jobs, a Reed College dropout, had just spent a few months in India. He had gone to ...
pple CEO Steve Jobs holds the new iPhone 4 after he delivered the opening keynote address at the 2010 Apple World Wide Developers conference June 7, 2010 in San Francisco, California.