Interboro Partners talks to Linda Fried about designing (for) long lives. All of the above. The challenge is to think differently about design and aging, and to set different kinds of goals. We need ...
We live in what the great American environmentalist Aldo Leopold referred to as a “world of wounds,” where there is irrefutable evidence that we are balancing precariously on the brink of natural ...
No country had ever been as wealthy as America was after 1945. No people were ever as absorbed in the fevers of technology and mobility or the splendors of youth and consumption. It was as if the ...
Redesign, for decades stigmatized by Modernist purists as an inferior architectural specialty reserved for the artistically timid and creatively challenged, has finally become a legitimate part of ...
Perhaps the most telling thing I found is that the definition of a charrette has changed. Most professional architects now equate charrettes with interactive brainstorming sessions. These kinder, ...