BREAKING John Giles, the Republican mayor of Mesa, AZ announced he is endorsing Kamala Harris for President: "Our party used ...
Show, Pete Buttigieg explained why the "childless" comments by J.D. Vance are so offensive. Pete told Jon Stewart how the ...
Fox News host Neil Cavuto couldn't stand Louisiana Senator Kennedy's ridiculous antics and attacks against Democratic ...
Rep. Victoria Spartz peppered FBI Director Wray with questions on the nonsense rumors that the FBI planted agents responsible ...
The Yosemite Sam acting Louisana lawmaker was so foolish that Fox News host Neil Cavuto bashed him throughout the einterview ...
For nearly 20 years we have been exposing Washington lies and untangling media deceit, but now Facebook is drowning us in an ...
For nearly 20 years we have been exposing Washington lies and untangling media deceit, but now Facebook is drowning us in an ...
Christian Nationalist white supremacist a-hole Charlie Kirk dug up the tired and withered MAGA culture war garbage, claiming VP Kamala Harris wants to hijack your kids and help transition them. Or ...
While former President Donald Trump has been trying to paint presumptive Democratic Presidential nominee as "extreme left," there is nothing more extreme than the felon's insatiable desire to get into ...
For nearly 20 years we have been exposing Washington lies and untangling media deceit, but now Facebook is drowning us in an ocean of right wing lies. Please give a one-time or recurring donation, or ...
The FTC under Chair Lina Khan proposed a rule called Click to Cancel which would make it as easy to cancel a subscription as ...
Trump tossed a bizarre word salad, even though Laura Ingraham seems to be begging him to give a direct answer for what she called 'ridiculous' attacks. Oof!