Fifteen months after the eruption of conflict in the Middle East, tenuous ceasefires have taken hold in Gaza and Lebanon, a new government is emerging in Syria in the wake of the fall of the Assad ...
The Religion and Mediation Course (RMC) is a specialized training for mediators, peace practitioners, policy makers and others working to address violent political conflicts in contexts where religion ...
Jennifer Victoria Scurrell is a PhD Candidate at the Center for Security Studies (CSS) at ETH Zurich. Her research interest focuses on human-AI interaction, AI supported influence operations ...
How can conflict transformation and mediation processes adequately address the interplay between religion and politics? This question is at the heart of our Culture and Religion in Mediation program ...
Electronic warfare operations target the radiofrequency (RF) spectrum. Cyber operations directly target data and computer networks. Terminological clarity is essential because incorrectly categorizing ...
Elektronische Kriegsführung zielt auf das Hochfrequenzspektrum (RF). Cyber-Operationen zielen direkt auf Daten und Computernetzwerke ab. Terminologische Klarheit ist entscheidend, da eine falsche ...
Fünfzehn Monate nach dem Ausbruch des Konflikts im Nahen Osten haben sich fragile Waffenruhen in Gaza und im Libanon etabliert, in Syrien entsteht nach dem Sturz des Assad-Regimes eine neue Regierung, ...
The Center for Security Studies (CSS) at ETH Zürich is a center of competence for Swiss and international security policy. It offers security policy expertise in research, teaching, and consulting ...
The Strategic Trends series offers a concise analysis of major developments in world affairs, with a primary focus on international security. The annual volumes provide succinct interpretations of key ...
Der «Russian Analytical Digest (RAD)» analysiert Ereignisse, Trends und Entwicklungen im Hinblick auf die politische, wirtschaftliche, sicherheitspolitische und gesellschaftliche Situation in Russland ...
The “ETH/PRIO Civil Conflict CeaseFire” (CF) dataset is the first comprehensive global dataset covering the full range of ceasefire arrangements in civil conflicts between 1989 and 2020. In total, the ...
The Center's publications make a significant research contribution in the field of security and strategic studies, while at the same time fostering public debate on Swiss and international security ...