If you are planning to fly with your Pitbull, you may be wondering what airlines allow Pitbulls in 2024. There are less and less airlines nowadays willing to fly this dog breed, causing lots of ...
Is it a Ferrari? A couch potato? Or maybe a mix between the two? Introducing the Greyhound, the dog breed known for its sleek, aerodynamic features and amazing speed, but only when it's absolutely ...
If your dog's vomit smells like poop, you are right to be concerned. Normally, dog vomit shouldn't smell like it came out from the dog's behind. Discover what can cause a dog's vomit to develop a ...
If your dog won't put weight on his back leg, you are rightfully concerned, dog's don't go limping like that unless there's a good reason to. Discover several potential causes for back leg lameness in ...
What causes a dog's back legs to suddenly give out? Following are some possible causes for a dog's back legs suddenly giving out by veterinarian Dr. Joanne Fernandez-Lopez. What causes a dog's back ...
If you have ran out of dog shampoo, you may be wondering whether you can make your own dog shampoo in a pinch. The good news is that yes, there are a few dog shampoo substitutes you can use, just make ...
A dog walking sideways may appear peculiar and may even generate a laugh, but in some cases walking sideways may be a sign of a potential underlying problem that will need to be addressed. Discover ...
If you ever looked inside your dog's mouth while he was yawning or perhaps panting, you may have noticed several ridges on the roof of his mouth. Discover more about these ridges and their primary ...
If your dog's leg is making clicking noises, you are likely wondering what's the source of that sound. Discover what is likely happening and what veterinarians have to say about it. It's not unusual ...
Yes, Rhodesian Ridgebacks have ridges. In fact, ridges are this breed's most known feature. The ridge consists of a line of hair running on their backs in the opposite direction from the rest of the ...
Tylenol is harmful to dogs and it's one of the most common drugs found in human households so it's not too unusual for dogs to happen to ingest pills that dog owners may have accidentally dropped. At ...