Various decades have their musical signature, like the excessive use of synthesizers and hairspray in the 1980s pop music ...
Cathode-ray tube (CRT) televisions may no longer be in production, but its last bastion came in the form of extremely cheap ...
It is one of Murphy’s laws, we think, that you can’t get great things when you need them. Back in the heyday of shortwave ...
The bottom of the sea is a mysterious and inaccessible place, and anything unfortunate enough to slip beneath the waves and ...
Last time, we talked about single-PCB-design panels, all the cool aspects of it, including some cost savings and handling ...
Hurricanes can cause widespread destruction, so early forecasting of their strength is important to protect people and their ...
There are a handful of gadgets that do one thing so well that they become cult classics long after the company that made them has moved on or closed up shop. [This Does Not Compute] takes us ...
When it comes to writing, sometimes a computer or smartphone is just too distracting to keep on task. [vagabondvivant] found ...
For those of us who lived in the capitalist west during the Cold War, there remains a fascination to this day about the Other ...
Radxa released the X4, which is an SBC containing not only an N100 x86_64 SoC but also an RP2040  MCU connected to a ...
Admittedly it’s a bit of a niche application, but if you need lots of flat 3D printed objects, one way to go about it is to ...
There’s an old saying in the amateur radio community that when it comes to antennas all you need is a piece of wet string. This may be a little fanciful, but it’s certainly true that ...