For 20 years, experts have sounded the alarm on the decline of charitable giving in the US. Then came the pandemic, which led to a wave of new donations and volunteers to nonprofits. For some ...
The South Carolina Supreme Court has disbarred an attorney for mishandling entrusted funds. He had acknowleged misconduct and consented to a three-year suspension backdated to an interim ...
The New York Appellate Division for the First Judicial Department imposed a nine-month suspension and until further order for a domestic assault conviction After a night out fueled by alcohol and ...
In McCoy v.Louisiana, the Supreme Court concluded that a criminal defendant has the right to autonomy, i.e., the right “to decide on the objective of his defense.” Pursuant to this right, a ...
The Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission rejected a Master's dismissal of a complaint and ordered that a hearing be conducted Thus, in this case, we reject that the Master’s strict and overly ...
At JOTWELL, Ellie Bublick reviews Anita Bernstein's Renewing Products Liability with Semen.
Lori McMillen published an interesting article regarding the need for a consistent rationale for exempting non-charitable nonprofits from taxation. We have almost 30 different types of non ...
The Minnesota Supreme Court reversed in part, vacated and remanded in a legal malpractice case where the plaintiff had prevailed in the underlying matter This case comes to us on an interlocutory ...
I feel so violated. Because when I first heard about OpenAI (c)(3)'s joint venture with Microsoft, I said "wait a minute, this can't possibly work!" But they had some good lawyers who ...