Viciunu Grupe (Viciunai Group), a business group controlled by Visvaldas Matijosaitis, mayor of Lithuania's second-largest city of Kaunas, has established a sales company, Vichiunai Sakartvelo, in the ...
Zbignevs Stankevics was ordained as the new metropolitan archbishop of the Archdiosese of Riga on August 8 in a ceremony at Riga Dome Cathedral which was attended by several bishops of the Roman ...
The survey on the domestic trips of Latvian population conducted by the Central Statistical Bureau* show that in the 4th quarter of 2009 there were 516.1 thsd recreational trips with overnight stays ...
The competition for the redesigning of the Latvian National Museum of Art has been won by a project developed by the Lithuanian architecture firm Process Office. Talks will now take place over the ...
Lithuania supports in principle the European Commission's proposal on the strengthening of the Economic and Monetary Union, but it is doubtful about the idea of moving toward a single seat for the ...
The head of the Financial Supervisory Authority Raul Malmstein stated in his annual report to Riigikogu that the banks operating in Estonia are solidly capitalised, writes LETA/Postimees Online. Raul ...
British company Whitbread, which runs "Costa Coffee", the largest cafe chain in the United Kingdom, could soon enter Latvia, newspaper Biznes&Baltija reports. Whitbread has announced its plans to ...
This is it, my friends! It happened! We finally found someone willing to take over and continue our business. In the year of our 25th anniversary, in June – precisely the month the first ever issue of ...
Currently the Baltic States are the rising star on the European private equity investment menu. Indicative investments have been made; some investors have already made good profits. These and similar ...
Estonian Prime Minister Taavi Rõivas stressed when speaking in the parliament on Wednesday that this year, the state has helped farmers with nearly 32 million euros through extraordinary measures, but ...
The music-superstar Sir Elton John and his band will return to Arena Riga on November 15 as part of his international Wonderful Crazy Night Tour, LETA was informed by the concert's organizer Danute ...
Large-scale entrepreneur Harry Männil, whom the Simon Wiesenthal centre accused of war crimes but who was cleared of any wrongdoing, died on Monday at the age of 89 in San Jose, Costa Rica, ...