The immune protein interleukin-6 helps regulate body weight. Blocking it in the brain could restore appetite and muscle mass, a study in mice hints.
How hot could it get? In the first edition of Science News’ Extreme Climate Update, we look at how high temperatures could soar.
A mind-bending parasite may one day deliver drugs to the brain. Such proteins and the genes that produce them are often too big for viruses — the most common courier for gene therapy — to carry (SN: ...
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The winding loop touches every point without crossing itself and could help make a unique class of atomic structures more efficient catalysts, scientists say.
The hint of fog marks a new way to observe neutrinos, but points to the beginning of the end for this type of dark matter detection.
The NASA Mars rover examined a rock containing organic compounds and “leopard spots” that, on Earth, are associated with microbial life.
A faster way to figure out what bacteria is causing a potentially deadly bloodstream infection could let doctors treat it more quickly and efficiently.
Menstruation can be messy and uncomfortable, often due to leaky pads, tampons and cups. A new alginate-based powder may solve that problem. The material, which solidifies menstrual blood by turning it ...
Iron teeth aren’t unique to these reptiles — beaver teeth get their toughness from iron-infused enamel, says paleontologist Aaron LeBlanc of King’s College London. But in Komodo dragons, the iron is ...
There were no new HIV infections among adolescent girls and young women taking a new PrEP formulation, a twice-yearly shot of the drug lenacapavir.