The irony is that Manipur is where the Chinese and American interests coincide against India. But the need is to look at ...
The combative rise of China has challenged US hegemony in global relations. In such a world, the crafting of a foreign policy ...
Peace and progress go hand in hand. To stabilize the economy, Pakistan needs a conducive political environment to focus on ...
The very idea of Pakistan was based on the Two-Nation Theory which emphasized Muslims’ different way of life from that of the ...
Huge numbers of young people without education, skills, or work possibilities can lead to greater poverty, social discontent, ...
Bangladesh is home to people of different religions and cultures, both in the hills and plains. The extreme polarization of ...
Many fear that the Balochistan situation could lead to a 1971-like crisis that split the country due to centralised power, ...
DRDO is looking to restructure itself to better leverage this ecosystem for national good. In doing so, DRDO is aiming to be ...
The BJP is not really taking on the immense political challenge of explaining and then persuading the people to go with the ...
There is  a strong case to develop MVI for all countries of South Asia based on climate  and other vulnerability indicators ...
South Asia’s quest for gold medals at the 2028 Olympics requires a strategic and collaborative effort. By learning from the ...
The lesson from the Bangladesh protests reaffirm the fact that governments and their agencies should handle grievances of ...