A U.S. Navy ballistic missile defense site in Redzikowo, Poland, that’s been in the works for more than a decade has finally ...
The Okinawa Prefectural Assembly agreed this week to file a complaint with the governments of Japan and the U.S. over the ...
The American and Japanese governments agreed to withhold from local authorities the details of a contaminated water ...
The ARM Cuauhtemoc, a training ship of the Mexican navy, set sail Wednesday from the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force base ...
The United States’ new top envoy to Taiwan promised Wednesday that Washington will help the self-ruled island defend itself ...
With a decision expected next month on whether to allow MDMA for clinical use in treating PTSD, several veterans at a news ...
The Navy has received approval to remove the remnants of a massive World War II blimp hangar destroyed in a fire in November ...
Operations at Hawaii’s Hilo International Airport were halted when security screeners spotted two items that looked like ...
The United States will step up the deployment of long-range artillery units to Germany in the next two years, a precursor to ...
Ukraine is on an “irreversible” path to NATO membership, the military alliance said Wednesday in a final agreement from its ...
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said Wednesday that Ukraine will be flying F-16s “this summer” following the delivery of the ...
The 32-member NATO alliance on Wednesday harshly called out China for its role in propping up Russia’s war against Ukraine ...