Some unions and and members of the public sector remembered Gordhan as the minister who destroyed people’s livelihood.
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The sensational interview conducted by Annika Larsen with Andre de Ruyter on 22 February and the faux-horrified reaction of ministers and the Secretary-General of the ANC, shows in stark terms the ...
The reluctance by former Eskom CEO, André de Ruyter, to divulge the identities of individuals whom he alleged were involved in corruption at Eskom, did not come as a surprise and the blame should be ...
The kerfuffle over revelations made by Andre de Ruyter, CEO of Eskom, about the ANC’s involvement in corruption at Eskom and his (perhaps sensible) reticence to name names, could have been predicted ...
As an activist and as member of the executive, he was a hard taskmaster. Some called him a “tough SOB” and even a “bully”. As ...
It’s clear from Eskom CEO André de Ruyter’s bombshell television interview last week that the two problems are inextricably intertwined. To address Eskom’s failures, Ramaphosa has to tackle rampant ...
Reports have emerged that former Eskom Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Andre De Ruyter directly oversaw and privately funded a dubious investigation conducted by former apartheid era killer Tony ...
Owned Entities to being responsible for protracted load shedding, Pravin Gordhan must be remembered for what he wrought, ...
On 27 July 2020, the Minister of Public Enterprises addressed a letter to the Interim Chairperson of the Eskom Board, which required the Board to consider and report on matters relating to various ...
However, what has been happening at Eskom over the past few months, since Andre de Ruyter was appointed as CEO, can best be characterised as a shameless takeover of Eskom and companies linked to Eskom ...