Dear Prudence is Slate’s advice column. Delia Cai is filling in as Prudie for Jenée Desmond-Harris while she’s on parental ...
Richard Linklater on Austin Film Society at 40, how he feared $10 was too expensive for 'Pulp Fiction' tickets, and his hope ...
Netflix] B; Netflix is known for constantly refreshing its library, adding new titles while quietly removing others. This ...
Quentin Tarantino isn't only a master director, but he's the ultimate mixtape curator. He is a list of his favourite songs ...
The Last Airbender… It is rather rare in this modern age of TV animation to get a show that speaks to both children and adult audiences through its story, characters and philosophy which is perhaps ...
These top juicers were chosen for their ease of use, durability, size, effectiveness, and overall bang for your buck - shop them now and see for yourself.
Life has changed massively in Liverpool since the 1990s and the 2000s. But that doesn't mean we don't still think about how ...
From 'Rear Window' (1954) to 'Ripley’s Game' (2002), these are some of renowned film critic Roger Ebert’s favorite thriller ...
Gamini Akmeemana’s novel ‘The Shark Binder’ is a fascinating study of life in British-ruled Ceylon of the 1920s. It is also a fascinating hypothesis of inter-racial love between a young, idealistic ...
You know that feeling when you find money in an old jacket pocket? Country Village Antique Mall in Logan, Utah delivers that ...
The first thing you’ll notice when approaching this vintage paradise is the eclectic outdoor display—architectural salvage pieces, garden ornaments, and those twin lion statues standing sentinel at ...
Of the many superhero cartoons that dominated Fox Kids in the early 1990s, two stood out amongst the pack. First, Batman: The ...