Setelah Duterte, ICC masih memburu nama-nama besar seperti Presiden Rusia Vladimir Putin dan Perdana Menteri Benjamin ...
Wakil Ketua MPR Hidayat Nur Wahid (HNW) menilai PM Israel Benjamin Netanyahu lebih pantas ditangkap ICC dibandingkan eks ...
Waka MPR Hidayat Nur Wahid menilai penahanan Duterte harus jadi momentum untuk menangkap Netanyahu, yang dianggap lebih urgen ...
Netanyahu said Hamas must accept the new proposal and hand over half of the remaining hostages immediately, before any negotiations begin on a second phase of the ceasefire agreement. Hamas has ...
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was forced to attend a Knesset discussion on the establishment of a state Commission of Inquiry into the failures of October 7 initiated by the opposition.