Director James Ashcroft and puppeteer Paul Lewis take IndieWire inside the demented delivery room for a new film distributed ...
The figurines were discovered in a largely unexcavated site in El Salvador. Some 2,400 years ago, they were controlled by ...
The enigmatic people who created the figures may have shared cultural traditions with neighboring Maya and other ancient ...
Two archaeologists discovered the ceramic figurines—possibly used as puppets—at the top of a pyramid, and three of them have ...
Clay figurines found on top of the remnants of a pyramid in what is now El Salvador might have been used in public ceremonies ...
A collection of 2,400-year-old ceramic puppets found atop a Salvadorian pyramid are forcing archaeologists to rethink the ...
Archaeologists have discovered five ceramic figurines atop the largest pyramidal structure at San Isidro, El Salvador. The ...
Archaeologists have discovered a mysterious set of 2,400-year-old puppets with ‘dramatic facial expressions’ atop a pyramid ...
These striking puppets suggest that Indigenous people in what is now El Salvador had rituals that were more connected to the ...
Roblox Ability Wars has many special powers you can get, but getting the "Puppet" ability will give you a big advantage.
My cats will go from being mellow, chilled-out sweeties to completely off-the-wall bonkers in the blink of an eye, and while ...