In his speech to Congress Wednesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claimed that during his recent visit to Rafah, ...
Israeli forces advanced deeper into some towns on the eastern side of Khan Younis in southern Gaza on Thursday, hours after ...
GENEVA - U.N. agencies warn that the demolition of a critical water facility in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip increases ...
I discovered a video posted on Instagram by an Israeli soldier from the 601st Combat Engineering Battalion, showing the ...
During one of the operations, Israeli troops identified a terrorist cell that carried out a failed launch. IDF troops ...
Israeli fighter jets and drones struck 35 Hamas targets across the Gaza Strip over the past 24 hours as troops continued ...
Immense destruction. By Adam Goldman Adam Goldman visited the Gazan city of Rafah as part of an Israeli military convoy for journalists. The armed convoy of jeeps filled with reporters rumbled ...
In Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's address to Congress, he said civilian casualties in Rafah were "practically none." NPR and other organizations have documented numerous civilian casualties there.
Israeli bombardment intensified in several areas in Rafah, near the border with Egypt, as tanks operated north, west and in the town centre, residents and medics said. Several Palestinians were ...
In Netanyahu's speech to Congress yesterday, he described a recent visit to Rafah in southern Gaza. He said he asked a commander there how many civilians had been killed in Rafah since Israel ...
RAFAH, Gaza — Homes destroyed, buildings reduced to rubble and few signs of life other than sporadic gunfire. That's all there is to see now in some parts of Rafah, the city in southern Gaza ...
Rafah, southern Gaza Strip — A CBS News team was among the first group of foreign journalists allowed to visit the decimated southern Gaza city of Rafah since Israel launched its military ground ...