The city was originally designed for around 500,000 people. The current population is estimated at 9.6 million.
Amputee football is a disabled sport played with seven players on each team (six outfield players and one goalkeeper).
Afrobarometer Round 10 surveys are underway. Their goal is to cover as many as forty-two (42) countries in this round. Last week, data for 14 countries (Angola, Cameroun, Cote d’Ivoire, Gabon, Gambia, ...
Washington has praised Angola as a diplomatic partner, especially for its role as a peace mediator in negotiations to resolve ...
By Kestér Kenn KLOMEGÂH After two symbolic African leaders’ summits, Russia’s trading is steadily increasing but significantly in exports of military weapons and equipment. According to Kremlin ...
The city was originally designed for around 500,000 people. The current population is estimated at 9.6 million.
Brazil’s state-controlled oil company is in talks to buy stakes in African exploration blocks from companies including ...