Chinook salmon were once abundant in the North Yuba River in California’s Sierra Nevada. But since 1941, they’ve been kept out of the chilly, clear waters by the Englebright Dam. Now, for the first ...
California's fishing fleet depends on catching Chinook salmon. Low population numbers could lead regulators to shut down or ...
Several months after the start of a pilot program aiming to restore salmon runs in California’s Sierra County, Chinook salmon can be found in the North Yuba River “for the first time in close ...
Fishery managers have announced significant restrictions on salmon fishing in the Klickitat River in response to a concerning ...
California’s embattled salmon populations continue to struggle. According to figures released on February 26 by the ...
“Spring-run Chinook salmon badly need protections, but instead the agency has taken the lazy river approach and drifted past its own deadlines.” Chinook salmon are the largest of the Pacific ...
Spectacular drone footage captured Southern Resident Killer Whales as they made their way through the Monterey Bay frolicking ...
California’s Chinook salmon population continues to decline, prompting concerns over a possible third consecutive closure of ...
The judge agreed with the National Marine Fisheries Service that its review of the annual harvest specifications sufficiently ...
Now, those eggs are hatching. California Department of Fish and Wildlife Chinook salmon were once abundant in the North Yuba River in California’s Sierra Nevada. But since 1941, they’ve been ...
This year, state estimates show the number of Chinook salmon is still so low that fishing could again be prohibited — or if not, sharply limited — to help fish stocks recover. The Pacific ...