Drone producers in Poland have shared with BIRN how far they are in developing drones that can function autonomously, without ...
North Macedonia expressed bemusement after Venezuela's regime claimed hackers from the Balkan country tried to manipulate the ...
Supreme Court ruling that Greek state agencies were not involved in the use of illegal spy software shocks opposition leader ...
At Monday's commemoration in Glina of one of the biggest crimes committed against Serbs in Croatia during World War II, ...
Despite criticism by the opposition and animal rights groups, Turkish MPs have backed a law that permits the use of ...
While some countries recognise loneliness as a serious health issue that is reaching ‘epidemic’ proportions, in the Balkans ...
A compromise agreed between the main parties has opened the way for emigrants to vote in Albanian elections – but some fear ...
A young Kosovo architect has pioneered a study of the ‘stani’, simple constructions that shepherds built in the mountains to ...
Ron Haviv photographed all the former Yugoslav wars of the 1990s, from Slovenia to Kosovo, capturing the devastating impact ...
A Kosovo court in a retrial on Monday sentenced Dardan Krivaca to life imprisonment for the brutal murder of an 18-year-old ...
The Polish parliament has passed legislation that removes criminal liability from uniformed personnel who use firearms when ...
The International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals for a third time rejected the early release request of the ...