The food estate projects in Merauke are at risk of failure. There are suspicions about the way the projects are shared out.
Preparing 2.9 million hectares of land under the food estate program in Merauke, South Papua, the government aims to achieve ...
Anindya Bakrie ousted Arsjad Rasjid as the Chair of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin). The organization ...
Two food estate projects are simultaneously being launched, targeting 2.29 million hectares of forest and land in Merauke.
The Fed and Bank Indonesia cut rates, allowing the banks to gain maximum profit. arsip tempo : 172706032518. Ilustration by ...
Arsjad Rasyid and Anindya Bakrie both claim support from regional Kadin branches. Legal battles continue. arsip tempo : ...
The rice paddy development program will sacrifice 1.02 million hectares of customary land in Merauke. It will also annihilate ...
Prabowo Subianto is to form a cabinet comprising numerous ministers. This is made possible through a revision of the law.
The hand of the government is apparent in Kadin’s internal conflict between Arsjad Rasjid and Anindya Bakrie. This has no ...
KPK officials are inconsistent in their explanations of the Bank BJB corruption case. There are indications of collusion with ...
Two food estate projects are simultaneously being launched, targeting 2.29 million hectares of forest and land in Merauke.
Articles on power wheeling prevent the legislation of a New and Renewable Energy Bill. State electricity company PLN’s unique ...