The highest cargo increase during the first month of the current comparing with January of 2013 was reached in general cargo group: totally 877,7 thou. tn, i.e. +7% or +57,2 thou. tn were handled.
Regardless of the age or driving experience, more than half of Lithuania's drivers believe that education of driving culture would improve traffic safety more than stricter penalties for violations of ...
European data center operator DEAC in Latvia has made a big step forward in company and its infrastructure development by upgrading existing data center equipment and enlarging data storage and ...
Алла Петрова, БК, Рига, 15.03.2012. версия для печати Валмиерский суд сегодня отменил запрет Рижской думы на проведение мероприятий, которые 16 ...
Apvienotās Karalistes regulatori pēc jūlijā sāktās izmeklēšanas atļāva Microsoft pieņemt darbā gandrīz visus jaunuzņēmuma Inflection AI darbiniekus. Apvienotās Karalistes Konkurences un tirgu iestāde ...
This is it, my friends! It happened! We finally found someone willing to take over and continue our business. In the year of our 25th anniversary, in June – precisely the month the first ever issue of ...
Eiropas Savienības pretmonopola regulatori nākamnedēļ lūgs atsauksmes par Google priekšlikumiem, lai panāktu atbilstību tehnoloģiju noteikumiem, kuru mērķis ir veicināt godīgu konkurenci, trešdien ...
Postimees Online: the Prime Minister Andrus Ansip stated in front of Riigikogu on Wednesday, that Estonia stands out well in Europe for its economic recovery measures, writes LETA. The Prime Minister ...
Estonian confectionery company AS Kalev increased sales by 4% to 9,033 tonnes and turnover by nearly 10% to 42.2 million euros in 2014, reports Äripäev Online, informs LETA. The company's profit grew ...
Lithuania's proposed higher education overhaul does not envisage closing any universities, Education and Science Minister Jurgita Petrauskiene said on Tuesday after presenting the planned reform to ...
Somijai ir 1340 km gara robeža ar Krieviju, un tā nesen arī pievienojās Ziemeļatlantijas līguma organizācijai (NATO), lai palielinātu valsts drošību, ņemot vērā notiekošo Ukrainā. Somijas valdība ...