The success of Compass has been followed by that of its younger sibling, Compasito – the manual for human rights education with children. Both publications support the implementation of the Council of ...
Seit 2001 wird jedes Jahr am 26. September der Europäische Tag der Sprachen begangen, um den Reichtum der in Europa und der ...
La Journée européenne des langues est célébrée le 26 septembre cette année sous la devise « Les langues pour la paix », pour souligner le rôle clé que peuvent jouer la diversité linguistique et ...
Retour Bureau consultatif sur l'IA Centre de ressources sur la cyberjustice et l'IA Réseau européen de cyberjustice Charte éthique de l’IA ...
It is a pleasure to address you at this inaugural meeting of the Ad Hoc Multidisciplinary Group on the Environment ( GME ). As the newly appointed Director General of Human Rights and Rule of Law, I ...
Effectively addressing hate speech across all areas, including robust domestic monitoring and reporting mechanisms, requires tailor-made capacity building in line with international standards.
The CYBERKOP Action of the Octopus Project is taking a significant step toward tackling the challenges associated with ...
Strengthen the capacities of institutions in Kosovo* to better uphold and protect the rights of minority groups in accordance with European standards. Promote the use of minority languages in the ...
The pilot project shall be carried out until 31 December 2024 within the Council of Europe Programme “ Strengthening Good Democratic Governance and Resilience in Ukraine ” under the Council of Europe ...
Le 13e Forum Annuel Consultatif sur les Itinéraires culturels du Conseil de l'Europe se tient du 25 au 27 septembre à Visegrád, en Hongrie, sur le thème « Transmission et innovation : Favoriser la ...
The Council of Europe’s Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) has published a compliance report on Ireland, assessing the country’s progress in implementing recommendations from GRECO’s 2022 ...
In a new evaluation report the Council of Europe’s Committee of Experts of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages concludes that while Spain has a well-developed system for the ...