The satisfied grin of Vladimir Putin and the threat from Alexander Dugin (a prominent Russian nationalist and ideologue) have ...
Romania's national anthem should be changed, argued Călin Georgescu in a 2020 interview with Elena Sechila, the wife of Eugen ...
The Constitutional Court of Romania will debate on Thursday at 11 AM the two appeals filed by Christian Terheș (MEP and ...
The Constitutional Court of Romania announced on Thursday a vote recount, a move that suggests the potential cancellation of ...
How did the anti-Western candidate Călin Georgescu rise to the top of the presidential polls? There are numerous causes behind this phenomenon. This article will focus on one related to national ...
With the victory of Călin Georgescu, Romania enters its darkest possible scenario: a violently anti-Western, pro-Russian, neo-fascist, and anti-Semitic candidate wins the first round of the ...
Ministrul de externe britanic David Lammy a afirmat miercuri la Bruxelles că în multe dintre războaiele care au loc în ...
Autorităţile ucrainene au anunţat miercuri un atac împotriva "uneia dintre bazele aeriene cheie" ale aviaţiei ruse şi au ...
Rebelii care conduc o ofensivă în nordul Siriei au ajuns marți „la porțile” orașului Hama, al patrulea ca mărime din țară, ...
Fostul cancelar german Angela Merkel a declarat marţi, într-un interviu la CNN, că preşedintele rus Vladimir Putin a minţit-o ...