As Ferran claimed in Ribeira Sacra – a region in delicate balance yesterday, this dramatic landscape produces some of Spain’s ...
Will subzoning this fragile Spanish region help preserve its sheer slopes and the wines produced from them? Above, the Cabe ...
A range of interesting, well-priced bottles from this small supermarket chain, many of which are available further afield.
These two dinners took place in very different restaurants in Mumbai. And while both restaurants are driven by the same ...
Hurricane Helene, LVMH's non-alcoholic fizz, the VITÆVINO declaration and the US dietary guidelines controversy ...
When I arrived in India for a few days recently I was puzzled by Indian consumers’ and producers’ attachment to powerful reds ...
Superb wines from minutely defined plots thanks to a winemaker with no formal training (photo credit: Mike Smith).
Joséphine Duffau-Lagarrosse is the winemaker at St-Émilion's Château Beauséjour, taking the reins as co-director with Prisca ...
This brown spirit may be the best bargain in the drinks world right now says Henry Jeffreys, a former whisky retailer who's ...
Howard Ripley’s en primeur tasting last month featured a good number of Grosse Gewächse (GGs), the top dry German wines produced by members of the VDP, but my notes on these have already been ...
Which goes to show that the estate has always focused on quality. What it doesn’t quite illustrate is why two wines made by the same person, from 100% Albariño, from the same estate in the Val do ...
There's no surfing in south-east France, but surfer/philosopher/wine writer Chris Howard finds many other reasons to visit this little-known corner of France. Above, vineyards surrounding the village ...