Helene roared ashore Florida's Big Bend region as one of the most powerful storms to hit the United States, with officials fearing the hurricane would leave a trail of deaths and widespread ...
Japan's ruling party will         hold one of the most unpredictable leadership contests in         decades on Friday, a race that could result in Japan's youngest         or first female premier, or ...
New York City Mayor Eric         Adams was charged by the U.S. Department of Justice in a         five-count criminal indictment unsealed on Thursday, becoming         the city's first sitting mayor ...
Russia has established a weapons programme in China to develop and produce long-range attack drones for use in the war aga ...
Israel's military chief told troops on Wednesday that its heavy airstrikes on Lebanon were preparing the way for a p ...
President Vladimir Putin         warned the West on Wednesday that Russia could use nuclear         weapons if it was struck with conventional missiles, and that         Moscow would consider any ...
U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris plans to roll out a new set of economic policies this week that aim to help American ...
Some Arab American and         Muslim voters angry at U.S. support for Israel's offensive in         Gaza are shunning Democrat Kamala Harris in the presidential         race to back third-party ...
Two mighty beams of energy have been detected shooting in opposite directions from a supermassive black hole inside a distant galaxy - the largest such jets ever spotted, extending about 140 ...
「香港新聞界慶祝中華人民共和國成立75周年酒會」今日舉行, 行政長官李家超、香港新聞界國慶籌委會主任委員、香港新聞工作者聯會主席、香港大公文匯傳媒集團董事長李大宏等都有出席, 至於新城廣播有限公司首席營運總監馬浚偉亦應邀出席.         李家超致辭時表示, 新聞界的傳播力和影響力舉足輕重, 可以發揮明辨是非、凝聚共識、促進社會和諧穩定的作用, 香港居民享有言論、新聞、出版等自由, 無論支持政 ...
中共中央政治局委員、外交部長王毅在紐約, 與丹麥外交部長拉斯穆森會面時說, 中國將對丹麥施行免簽政策, 希望丹麥也為赴丹麥中方人員提供更多便利措施.         王毅表示, 丹麥是中國在北歐唯一的全面戰略夥伴, 兩國關係長期走在中國同北歐國家關係前列. 中國堅定不移走綠色低碳可持續發展道路, 願同包括丹麥在內的歐洲國家加強綠色轉型合作. 歐盟對中國綠色產品加徵高關稅, 同綠色轉型的努力背道而馳 ...
日本執政自民黨選出新總裁, 前幹事長石破茂當選, 將會接替岸田文雄出任日本首相.         在首輪投票中, 9名候選人無人得票過半數, 石破茂和經濟安全保障擔當相高市早苗, 得票最多, 進入次輪投票. 到了次輪投票中, 石破茂以215票, 擊敗只有194票的高市早苗, 成為自民黨新總裁.         在北京, 外交部發言人林劍表示, 選舉結果是日本內政, 中方不作評論. 他表示, 中日關 ...