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Disclaimer: This article may contain commission or affiliate links. As an Amazon Influencer I earn from qualifying purchases. Not seeing our videos? Turn off any adblockers to ensure our video feed ...
Disclaimer: This article may contain commission or affiliate links. As an Amazon Influencer I earn from qualifying purchases. Not seeing our videos? Turn off any adblockers to ensure our video feed ...
Disclaimer: This article may contain commission or affiliate links. As an Amazon Influencer I earn from qualifying purchases. Not seeing our videos? Turn off any adblockers to ensure our video feed ...
Looking for a way to celebrate and learn during the Fall Equinox? We have gathered up lots of fun ideas for the Fall Equinox. Perfect for learning about the seasons and celebrating this day of balance ...
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Get started in STEM with easy, engaging activities.
Have you ever watched how the playground swing makes a big arc through the sky and wondered what forces make that happen? That swing is a classic example of a ...
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Disclaimer: This article may contain commission or affiliate links. As an Amazon Influencer I earn from qualifying purchases. Not seeing our videos? Turn off any adblockers to ensure our video feed ...
Kids love to play with magnets! Over the years we have played and learned with magnets in many ways, but the one thing we hadn’t made was an electromagnet. So today we are taking the concept of an ...
Kids love robots! We have played with a lot of robots over the years. In fact my son for about 2 years said he was going to grow up to become a Robot Repairman! Today we have an incredibly fun ...