A rail car in the area of Cleves and Whitewater Township is longer leaking styrene, but evacuation orders and the closure of roads and businesses in the area remain in place.
Styrene, a toxic and flammable chemical that is used to make plastic and rubber, began leaking Tuesday afternoon from a ...
A chemical spill in Cleves, OH, from an open valve on a train car led to evacuations, emergency responses, and road closures.
While the leak coming from the train car appeared to be a gas, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences says styrene is a colorless, flammable liquid used to make plastics and rubber.
The styrene leak from a railcar in the Cleves and Whitewater Township area has stopped, but officials said an evacuation ...
Styrene, a toxic flammable chemical leaking from a railyard in western Hamilton County, is widely used to make plastics and rubber.