A recently discovered asteroid, named 2024 PT5, will temporarily orbit Earth as a “mini-moon” for nearly two months starting ...
You can see the astroid, named 2024 PT5, for a short time before it heads on its way.
The asteroid is expected to make a “horseshoe path” around Earth over the next two months, researchers wrote in a recent ...
A small asteroid called 2024 PT5 will temporarily orbit Earth this fall. Here's what it looks like and whether it will be ...
An asteroid is headed towards Earth. It's not going to hit us, but it is going to hang out for a couple of months. A recently ...
The second asteroid, 2024 RB3, is smaller at around 32 feet in diameter but will pass much closer to Earth than 2022 SR. This space rock will come within 430,000 miles of our planet, yet it ...
Astronomers in Arizona initially discovered the space rock, known as 2024 RW1, a few hours before it entered the Earth. There was a brilliant flare in the sky as the asteroid burnt up over the ...
The asteroid -- about 3 feet across -- was spotted by astronomers in Arizona and broke apart over the coast of the Philippines hours after the discovery. This space rock, dubbed 2024 RW1 ...
The asteroid — about 1 metre across — was first spotted by astronomers in Arizona and disintegrated several hours later over the coast of the Philippines. The space rock, dubbed 2024 RW1 ...
The solar system's largest moon, Ganymede, which orbits the largest planet, Jupiter, was hit by an asteroid four billion years ago that shifted the gas giant's satellite on its axis, new research ...