( NewsNation) — Scientists say an asteroid known as the “God of Chaos” has a slightly increased chance of impacting the Earth in 2029, but only if a very unlikely series of events plays out.
A chance encounter with another asteroid could steer Apophis destructively close to Earth during a future passage.
Earth has not been hit by a meteor of 2024 ON's size since prehistoric times. FLASHBACK: STUDY SAYS ASTEROID THAT KILLED THE ...
NASA is closely observing an asteroid named 2024 ON, which measures about 1,150 feet by 590 feet and travels at approximately ...
On September 4 2024, astronomers discovered an asteroid, 1 meter in diameter, heading towards Earth. The space rock would ...
NASA has announced that a 510-foot asteroid, roughly the size of a building, will make close passes by Earth. Despite its ...
The results of his study suggest that an object as small as 0.6 meters across could potentially nudge the asteroid onto a ...
A 120-foot asteroid, similar in size to a small plane, is set to make a close flyby of Earth today. While it will pass within ...
A plane-sized asteroid will safely pass by Earth today, offering scientists a chance to gather valuable data about near-Earth ...
Our space wizard scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should!
The largest moon in the solar system is Ganymede, which orbits the largest planet, Jupiter. New research suggests that an ...
NASA has announced that asteroid 2013 FW13, a 510-foot-wide space rock, will make a close approach to Earth on September 18, ...