It’s about time to figure out how you can combat those cons of summer and get back to focusing on the pros—it’s time to install a lanai. What is a lanai, you may ask? It’s a Hawaiian ...
Kishimoto Maui County public schools are slowly welcoming back more general population students to campuses, though Lanai High & Elementary School remains in virtual learning mode after a COVID-19 ...
Ferries depart from Maui and Lanai five times a day, starting in Lanai at 8 a.m., with the last trip back to Lanai at 5:45 p.m. One-way tickets cost $30 for adults and $20 for children.
Though it's the smallest inhabited island in Hawaii, Lanai manages to provide a diverse ... a cup of joe and some souvenir coffee to take back to the mainland. If you're in the mood to splurge ...