A project to restore a large section of a River Tyne tributary has been completed. Tipalt Burn, near Haltwhistle, ...
State lawmakers are weighing a bill that could make it easier to replace homes and businesses lost in the floodwaters as ...
Delhi Development Authority has devised a strategy to use an out-of-service CNG bus. It plans to repurpose the 2010 model bus ...
A final notice will be mailed to property owners in special flood hazard areas across Pasco County who sustained damage during the hurricanes and have not applied for permits.
State and federal officials again visited the Marshall sewer plant March 13, a sign the commission chair said was ...
Water is misused as a weapon when infrastructure and water resources are deliberately destroyed in armed conflicts. Water ...
Harris County sues Yellow Jacket ReadyMix for ignoring fire safety & floodplain rules, risking community safety in Lindale ...
ASHEVILLE, N.C. — New numbers from Blue Ridge Parkway officials showed a sharp decline of visitors coming to the mountains ...
Because the building is in a floodplain with parts of the first floor about five inches below the base flood elevation, a ...
It's Flood Safety Awareness Week in Vermont through March 16, a reminder to Vermonters that flooding is a constant threat, ...