Scientists warn that one Hawaiian island is sinking 40 times faster than expected and terrible flooding could start wiping ...
New homeless sweeps are starting tomorrow in East Oahu and many now are searching for a new place to call home.
From killer fish sandwiches to kimchi and cracking Vietnamese pho, there’s something to satisfy the palates of all travellers ...
Early crew members of the voyaging canoe Hokulea have gathered in Hawai'i to celebrate the vessel's 50th birthday ...
Kahaluʻu Beach Park will be temporarily closed for nine days in May to give the cauliflower coral colonies time to recover.
Imagine a beach where the golden sands stretch out endlessly, kissed by the gentle waves of the Pacific Ocean. That's Wailea ...
With spring break season underway, and summer coming soon, these are some coastal destinations which might convince you to ...
Hawaii’s most populous island is a crossroads for culinary trends from the east and west as well as those bubbling up from its own diverse population. The latest waves include memorable takes on ...
Video footage captured by Scott Malis during the volcano's 11th episode shows lava spewing out of Kilauea volcano and spinning into the air.
Kahaka’ioikamālie Ravenscraft will tell tales of Umi-a-Liloa, who was a ruling chief of Hawaiʻi Island in the 15th and 16th ...
Baldwin Beach Park and much of the surrounding land used to be owned by Maui’s Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Company, or HC&S, ...