However, subsequent evaluations determined that the patients were suffering from norovirus, a common and less severe gastrointestinal infection. The initial alarm was raised due to concerns that the ...
BloemendaalHet broedseizoen is weer begonnen. Daarom gelden er van 1 maart tot 15 juli speciale regels in Nationaal Park Zuid-Kennemerland en het Noordhollands Duinreservaat om vogels en andere dieren ...
Het is nog niet zo heel lang geleden dat je, als je door de duinen liep, hier en daar een konijn zag wegschieten. Nu zie je ze daar vrijwel nooit meer. Terwijl konijnen in de duinen uitstekende ...
Dr Amir Khan has warned people about how to avoid catching norovirus. The full-time GP, who is also known for his appearances on Good Morning Britain, took to Instagram to share what we need to do ...
The ITV regular is currently warning people that cases of the norovirus are on the rise, but he says there are 'five ways to reduce your risk'. The GP took to Instagram to share what we all need ...
The National Medical Director for NHS England has issued a critical warning about the rapid spread of norovirus across the UK. This week, Amy Douglas, lead epidemiologist at the UK Health Security ...
The National Medical Director for NHS England is issuing a stark and 'vital' warning over norovirus which is rapidly spreading across the UK. Just this week, Amy Douglas, the lead epidemiologist ...
Federal health officials say the stomach-churning outbreak reported Feb. 23 on Holland’s Eurodam ship was caused by norovirus, which surged across the country last year and is behind most ...
Norovirus infection has characteristic clinical and epidemiological features that can allow its differentiation from other causes of gastroenteritis. Norovirus is often acquired from a contact ...
Wie regelmatig door de duinen loopt, is het misschien opgevallen: meer zandverstuivingen doordat duinen op steeds meer plekken weer bewegingsvrijheid krijgen. “Dat is goed voor de waterveiligheid en ...