Two Souls is being turned into a TV show – and star Elliot Page is heavily involved in bringing the series to our screens..
I N THE LATE 1980s Edward Teller, the father of the hydrogen bomb, and Lowell Wood, an astrophysicist, proposed a seemingly ...
BioWare's next Mass Effect was announced back in 2020, but the latest reports indicate the game is still a long way off. To ...
Quantic Dream's story-driven video games including Detroit: Become Human and Heavy Rain seem like ideal titles to be adapted ...
Beyond: Two Souls, the 2013 narrative adventure game developed by Quantic Dream, is the latest video game to get an adaptation off the ground. Pageboy Productions, which was founded by star of Beyond: ...
Heresy is bringing back the Taken King's Dreadnaught, as well as unleashing a new Star Wars crossover event.
Destiny 2 will give Titans a set of Stormtrooper armor as a microtransaction for a Star Wars collab. Is that crossing a line?
Originally released in April 2000 for the PlayStation, Star Wars Episode 1: Jedi Power Battles received a very divisive ...
Despite the tepid reception back in 2000, the Jedi Power Battles remaster is a fun return to simpler times when Star Wars ...