A superhero film series based on the Marvel Comics character Spider-Man. The series is centered on Peter Parker, a teenager struggling to find his place in life ever since his parents disappeared ...
Man' movies can be streamed on a variety of platforms from Disney+ to Netflix The Spider-Man movies have had different homes ...
After Sam Raimi's efforts to make a fourth Tobey Maguire Spider-Man movie fell apart, Sony rebooted the franchise with the "Amazing Spider-Man" movies, directed by Marc Webb and starring Andrew ...
However, just two years after that, his franchise came to a definitive end with the disappointing release of The Amazing Spider-Man 2. While Andrew's portrayal of Peter Parker was initially met ...
The stumbles of Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014) killed those hopes, and Sony had to pivot to the greater opportunity of rebooting Spider-Man within the MCU, with a new actor in the role. Since No ...
Learn more Unlike films featuring other Marvel characters, movies starring Spider-Man aren't all available to watch together on Disney Plus. Instead, they're spread across multiple streaming ...