In June, the Austrian amateur astronomer spied a secret Chinese spaceplane. Now, Mr. Schöfbänker has spotted a mysterious U.S ...
Engaging articles, breathtaking images and expert knowledge ...
The newly-discovered GS-NDG-9422 galaxy appears as a faint blur in this James Webb Space Telescope NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera) image. It could help astronomers better understand galaxy evolution in ...
Looking deep into the early universe with NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, astronomers have found something unprecedented: ...
The discovery of a "weird" and unprecedented galaxy in the early Universe could "help us understand how the cosmic story began", astronomers say.
Astronomers have created a three-dimensional map of WASP_107b's 'puffed-up' atmosphere using NASA's James Webb Space ...
DARPA seeks to aid those living under authoritarian regimes by making the future deployment and detection of hidden networks ...
Read What appears as a faint dot in this James Webb Space Telescope image may actually be a groundbreaking discovery. Full image and ...
Using the James Webb Space Telescope astronomers have found that a strange inflated exoplanet is even weirder than they ...
On the agreement to acquire the Synopsys division Niels Faché, VP and general manager of the firm’s design engineering ...
The 'popcorn planet' is back in the spotlight! Using the James Webb Space Telescope, a team of international astronomers has ...
Astronomers from the University of Arizona, along with an international group of researchers, observed the atmosphere of a ...