Upp er komið hið undarlegasta mál í tengslum við borgarstjórnina í Reykjavík. Líf Magneudóttir borgarfulltrúi Vg staðfestir ...
Skipulagsnefnd Garðabæjar hefur áhyggjur af því að ekkert er minnst á vatnsbólin norðaustan við Kleifarvatn í greiningarvinnu ...
Icelandair and Southwest Airlines have entered a bilateral partnership set to begin in 2025. The partnership will allow travellers to “easily connect” between the two airlines’ networks and marks the ...
The AI Apex Asia Capital Connect Forum recently concluded, offering critical insights into navigating the fine line between ...
The Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) has approved a €75 million loan to Energy to expand utility systems and enhance ...
Ingason declined to share numbers (he called the screenshot anecdote "a little secret"). But he said that initial spurt added ...
An airline is offering $109 flights from an Ontario airport. Low-cost Icelandic airline Play, which operates out of John C.
Knatt­spyrnumaður­inn Ró­bert Hauks­son er geng­inn til liðs við Fram frá Leikni úr Reykja­vík. Ró­bert, sem er 22 ára ...
Knattspyrnufélagið Fram kynnir með mikilli ánægju að við höfum gengið frá samningum við sóknarmanninn Róbert Hauksson. Róbert ...
If you're used to hot dogs in the U.S., you probably associate them with pork, beef, or even chicken. However, the Icelandic ...
Einar Þorsteinsson borgarstjór Reykjavíkuri og jólabarn, en hann á afmæli á aðfangadag, lagði í liðinni viku fram tillögu í ...
Icelandair is increasing its U.S. network during the summer 2025 season with the addition of a new route to Nashville, Tennessee.