The scary part is, if you use the algorithms not in the way they wish you to use them, or if you deviate from the standards, ...
With a highly faulty personality like this, perseverance won't help him, as his behaviour will catch up with him; his karma and his own words can render him unemployable, for good reasons too. These ...
YESTERDAY we wrote a very long part about "Zoom the Beast". "Beast" is the term an assessor of the Zoom TOS used to describe ...
Techrights is a Demonstrably Popular Site, Reporting Suppressed Facts. Those Vouching for Its 'Unpopularity' Express a Desire ...
Based on online discussions, "RAs" (layoffs basically) are "imminent" because of significant decrease in office space: ...
In one targeting Canadian software company VirtaMove, Red Hat states that it is “imminently threatened with patent litigation ...
Thankfully we quit using NGINX when we shut down our HTTP proxy for Gemini (it ran from my home on a Raspberry Pi). Techrights is a Demonstrably Popular Site, Reporting Suppressed Facts. Those ...
Wikipedia says Eckersley was buried [sic] in "Cryopreserved at Alcor Life Extension Foundation", but that's one of these ...
Anyway, all mention of Telegram must be accompanied by the observation that the server end is 100% proprietary and thus not secure and, presumably, already compromised. Jitsi used to be good but it ...
The Free software movement (FSM) ought to set the scene and set the tone for opposing those who antagonise facts, attack ...
Every week or so I check the Wikileaks Web site, its "leaks" and "news" sections included. They haven't been changed for so ...
But... statCounter (and Steam Survey among other surveys) is now known to more people and it's more generally accepted that ...