Israel has given the administration of US President Joe Biden no guarantees that it will not strike Iran's nuclear facilities ...
Russia said that its air defense was working over three oblasts due to the raid by Ukrainian UAVs.This was announced by the ...
In the Donetsk Region, after being shot down by the russian army, a russian plane that was launching guided aerial bombs over ...
The son of the head of Chechnya, Adam Kadyrov, was included in the Book of Records of the terrorist country of russia. He was ...
According to the media, half of the shells that the russian federation uses in the war against Ukraine, it receives from ...
The Defense Forces of Ukraine recently hit three command posts of russian troops with Storm Shadow missiles and GMLRS rockets ...
During the past day, the Defense Forces of Ukraine "demilitarized" 1,280 russian invaders. In general, during the period of ...
По информации журналистов, 33-летний комбат застрелился 2 октября после того, как его батальон сбежал с позиций под Угледаром ...
В акватории Черного и Средиземного морей утром в субботу фиксируются три российские военные корабли, которые являются ...
During the next three years, the Ministry of Defense of the terrorist country of russia plans to recruit at least 225,000 new ...
The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, plans to present his "victory plan" to the leaders of the allied countries, ...
According to journalists, a 33-year-old battalion commander shot himself on October 2, after his battalion fled from ...