Dupixent approved in the US as the first-ever biologic medicine for patients with COPD         Dupixent is indicated for the approximately 300,000 adults in the US with inadequately ...
Dupixent approved in China as the first-ever biologic medicine for patients with COPD Approval follows EU approval of Dupixent for adults with COPD with raised blood eosinophils, and is based on ...
Sanofi announced today that its Q3 2024 Aide mémoire is available on the "Investors" page of the company's website: ...
EADV: New data reinforce Sanofi’s innovative approach and leadership across immune-mediated skin diseases 24 abstracts for Dupixent, including 4 oral presentations, highlight impact of ...
Nous transformons les miracles de la science en réalité pour fournir chaque année plus de 5 milliards de solutions de soins de santé à des personnes à travers le monde. La production et ...
Parfois, l’innovation technologique peut provenir d’espace inattendus. Dans le développement de médicaments, cela signifie souvent l’intersection de technologies apparemment sans rapport ou de ...
Sometimes transformative technology comes from unexpected places. In drug development, that often means the intersection of seemingly unrelated technologies or esoteric areas of science. French ...
Dupixent recommended for EU approval by the CHMP to treat eosinophilic esophagitis in children as young as 1 year old Recommendation based on a phase 3 study showing a significantly ...
A süti egy kis adatfájl, amelyet a weboldal kérésére a böngésző tárol a számítógépén vagy mobilkészülékén, amikor meglátogatja az adott weboldalt. A süti lehetővé teszi a weboldal számára, hogy egy ...
Les résultats du troisième trimestre 2025 seront commentés par le management au cours d'un webcast audio avec la communauté financière le 24 octobre 2025. La présentation sera suivie d'une session de ...
Patients of all backgrounds need providers from all backgrounds. Our global scholarship fund is supporting individuals from diverse communities to pursue a healthcare-related career. In partnership ...