The new estimate, based on data from 135 low- and middle-income countries, is more than double the World Health Organization’s official count. A rare muscle-stiffening reaction could explain the ...
Astronomers watched in real time as the supermassive black hole at the center of a galaxy went from dim and quiet to bright and actively feeding on material, ...
Editor in chief Nancy Shute discusses the complexity of chronic pain, the spread of diseases and training crocs to avoid eating certain toads.
A few hours in high temps reduced the ability of antennae to detect flower scents by 80 percent. That could impact the bees’ ability to find food.
Two clinical trials found that the nonhormonal drug elinzanetant eased hot flashes and improved sleep, two common menopause symptoms.
A new painkiller nearing approval called suzetrigine may prove to be an opioid alternative. But for many with chronic pain, treatment must go beyond pills.
Different measurements of the cosmic expansion rate disagree. The James Webb telescope could determine whether that disagreement is real.
Nuclear clocks could rival atomic clocks and allow for new tests of fundamental physics. A new experiment demonstrates all the ingredients needed.
Anne Giblin: The Great Marsh is the name for a complex of marshes that actually goes into New Hampshire and down into Essex. And it’s the largest remaining swamp marsh left in New England. It’s ...